Embrace the potential of early orthodontic treatment for your child's future smile at Premier Orthodontics. The formative years of childhood and adolescence provide an opportune window for orthodontic intervention. In alignment with the recommendations of the American Association of Orthodontists®, we advocate for your child's first orthodontic screening by age 7. By taking this proactive step, you empower us to assess your child's orthodontic needs early on, allowing us to detect and address potential issues before they escalate, ultimately saving you both time and resources.

Early orthodontic treatment becomes a powerful tool because, at this stage, a child's teeth have not completed their eruption. This unique advantage enables us to guide the eruption process and intervene at the earliest possible juncture. Whether your child requires removable or fixed appliances, early treatment serves multifaceted purposes, such as:

  1. Creating Space: Facilitating more room for crowded, erupting teeth.
  2. Space Preservation: Preserving room for yet-to-erupt teeth, contributing to a harmonious dental arch.
  3. Facial Symmetry: Guiding jaw growth for enhanced facial symmetry and balance.
  4. Avoiding Tooth Extraction: Minimizing the potential need for future tooth extraction by addressing issues early.
  5. Reducing Treatment Time: Streamlining the overall orthodontic treatment process, leading to efficient and effective results.

During your visit to our practice, our experienced orthodontist will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the necessity of early orthodontic treatment and the optimal starting time. If early intervention is recommended, we will tailor a personalized treatment plan, leveraging the benefits of timely orthodontic care for the best possible results.

Invest in your child's future smile and oral health by scheduling an orthodontic consultation at our office today. Contact us to embark on a proactive journey towards a lifetime of confident and beautiful smiles for your child.